A artist from Stockholm who started off designing the covers for his band and putting them up on my space! I have just spent over a hour ooooing and arrring on his blog it really is amazing and has inspired me to get a bit futuristic!
This Blog is a combination of things that inspire me and a occasional sprinkling of my own work to make order and sense of what goes on in my brain. It also comes with the obligatory bad spelling and complete absence of grammar to keep you entertained. My name is Victoria Topping. I’m a visual artist and Illustrator currently based in London and Berlin. My work often focuses on musical themes and is now encompassing Illustration, painting, fashion and music itself.
For a more comprehensive view of my artwork please visit www.victoriatopping.com
This blog is not profit making and is intended as a spotlight for artists that inspire me in the hope that they will inspire others. If possible, please buy the CDs or check out the artists websites and support them all! If there are any issues with any of the things i have posted, please let me know and i will correct them as soon as possible
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